You realize new things everyday, you realize more things about yourself every time. Some things you laugh about so much it is still funny after a long, long time, how people crash through people and become a wrecking ball. Some things you get nervous about even though it is not directly of your concern, things that you're afraid will affect the mood of the people you care about. Forcing people to suck it up and check stuff, saying things you think they should hear afterwards, still believing there is hope for this to turn around. Being proud and so, so glad for the one that made it. You have no idea how glad I am, though we fight and I annoy you and you annoy me, I am SO relieved, and so happy. Oh, and turning to someone you never thought you would turn to, because though they don't understand anything, but it's just the way they are, saying and doing those 'little random things' they do so well.
You realize new things everyday, about how some things you just can't change. Accept it, as best you can, accept it for the lesson you learn from it. Accept it, cause there is always something more.
Some things... they stay in your mind, they make you try to understand why. Like dreaming about almost getting hit by a car, like dreaming about someone pushing you out of harm's way.
Have a happy day everyone,
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