Saturday, 10 August 2013


   Ugh, procrastinating again, though I actually have so much to do during the holidays. No idea for any blog posts though. Nothing. Ah, then I stumble across a certain pretty girl's blog post, and I had *so much feels* I have to write something back!

*warning: love confession time! XD

 Yeah, if you are a guy. I would sing all the Taylor Swift songs you love, regardless of your gender (and boob size lol?). And I'll still be your faithful secretary, though I kinda suck at taking up responsibility, but I will still be. Fun fact, the day you called me 'the best secretary ever'...I was SUPER touched...for some reason it is a big deal to me. The round table will still be as noisy, or more noisy than ever. And if people think we're dating, we will probably laugh about it and say 'yeah, yeah we are.' And I would let you take me to prom. (btw I was all like someone wants to take me to prom aww yeah!! xp) When you are feeling down, I'll be there and cross my fingers that I can be helpful about it. And I'll always listen. I would dump all my personal stuff on you, and you will definitely make me feel better. Hey, things are always 1000000 times crazier, and more interesting when YOU are around ;)

Random note : Hmmh, if I am a guy, I would that's about it? lol xp.

Long live the walls we crashed through
I had the time of my life 
with you

Have happy day everyone,


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