Friday, 30 August 2013

Flowers Grow

Okay, okay, okay,
dear friends,
was I too emotional?
Sorry, Scorpio problems,
us with our ethanoating, keeping grudges,
cold expressions, and overflowing emotions...
It is like we have all the seven sins wrapped up (including lust I guess lol)
I've read somewhere that we fear showing signs of weakness
and a lot of times that is true

Dear friend,
thanks for letting me fall back on you
oh how did you go through everything on your own,
I think I am starting to learn how though
But for now, I don't want to have to 'lean on someone'
but not because I don't want to show weakness,
I just want things to be fine enough, so that I don't have to lean,
I'll just stand on my own

And dear friend,
I'll say sorry one last time,
for saying it out of the blue,
and for probably shocking the living hell out of you,
and for a lot a lot of things I probably put you through
we made a promise,
and we are going to keep it
we are fine like this
we are perfect
everything is perfect
you just need to trust me
cause I trust you too

And lastly,
dear friends,
I think we (actually, I,) need to stop this...
the poor people who read our blogs will be confused as s***  (LOL)

...But who am I kidding, our blog posts will probably be confusing as s*** forever xp

              A little fall of rain
            Can hardly hurt me now
               That's all I need to know
              And rain will make the flowers grow

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