Greek mythology. Everyone loves it, some more than others, some used to know more and not so much now (raises hand *guiltily* ).
I am not going to go on and on and on about every Greek hero I know, but what I WILL do is, I will talk about my top three favorite characters.
Number three - Eros.
Well, of course the Greek version of Cupid has to be in the list. Who doesn't like cupid right. Greek god of love, sometimes depicted as primordial, sometimes as the son of Aphrodite, I actually find this a bit confusing ...but since when are Greek myths not confusing right. I don't really think my particular fascination is with Eros himself though, probably more towards the whole Erotes thing. I've seen them described as 'part of Aphrodite's retinue. Erotes is the plural of Eros, who as a singular deity has a more complex mythology." Okay you see I find that confusing too. So there are three gods involved in the whole 'love' mechanism, Anteros - the god of recruited love, Himeros - god of unrequited love, and Pothos - god of longing/desire (especially for those who are absent). It is kinda interesting to think that there is a god for each of these love- related feelings. But I would say that if they do exist (hey I am not saying they don't xp) I know which one I would be giving the death glare to for frequently visiting me (yes I am looking at you Himeros =.=).
Number Two - Apollo
My favorite Greek god ever. I have no solid reason as to why he is my favorite Greek god ever, but it probably has something to do with the fact he seems to be the only Greek god that I would imagine to be...young and handsome. Something like that. Lets see, Apollo - god of light and the sun, truth and prophecy, healing, plague, music, poetry, and more... Yeah. there is more, like it wasn't enough. Honestly the only stories I really know of him are the ones involving his lovers, I know, I know, you can see what my preferences are. Particularly the one about Hyacinthus (if it involves a male lover there is no way I wouldn't be all over that). But it is sad that there aren't much information on Hyacinthus, besides the fact he was handsome, athletic, spartan, and accidentally killed by Apollo himself while throwing the discus. Of course I prefer the version where Zephyrus blew the discus in Hyacinthus's way because he was jealous that Hyacinthus chose Apollo over him. Yeah, love can be dangerous sometimes. And in the end, of course, Apollo turns him into a flower, which is apparently probably maybe the Iris (instead of the Hyacinth which I think it should logically be =.=).
Number One - The reason I was into Greek stuff and also the reason for this post anyway,
Narcissus. There is no stopping me when I start on Narcissus, but I would try to not write a novel on him.
Yeah maybe he was the most beautiful boy ever, guys and girls were falling for him left and right just by looking at his face, but I can say that I didn't even need to look at his face and I am already in love with this guy. His story is popularly known as something related to vanity, there is even a word to describe someone who is vain after his name. But I'm sure people who read into it felt like there was definitely more to it, like this story wasn't created just to talk about a vain person and his certain death, adn the moral of the story sin't just 'don't be a vain jerk'. Not to mention that his story was also related to how the nymph Echo became the 'echo' we know of now. And there were so many characters, Tiresias started it all by making the prophecy that Narcissus would live a long life if he did not know himself. Now I think that is where the trouble begins, because if his parents didn't frantically try to make him NEVER know how he looks like, and if he had known how he looks like since young, I do not think he would have fallen in love with his reflection. Then there was Ameinias who was rejected by Narcissus, and killed himself then cursed him, and there was Nemesis who led him to the pool which resulted in him falling in love with his reflection.
I probably felt so strongly towards Narcissus because his story just broke my heart. I didn't even know the full story yet, I only knew he was a guy, who fell in love with his reflection, and died of a broken heart. If that isn't heartbreaking I have no idea what is.
I read a long and winding article about what the story of Narcissus was really supposed to teach you. It was
long, and once again, confusing. But what I took note of was that 'he didn't scorn others because he was in love with himself', he scorned others, THEN he fell in love with himself.' He scorned those who love him because it all came too easily to him, and in the end he fell in love with the one person he couldn't have. In my opinion that is what happens a lot to real people in real life so I find it interesting. We always, always, want what we can't have. Especially if we have never learnt to appreciate what we actually have. Then there is also the fact that the 'secret point' to this story isn't about him, but the pool. How when you see into a pool, the pool looks back at you. And how it's not you looking at your reflection, but it is your reflection looking back at you. I take it as don't just look at your reflection, but look at how your reflection portrays you.
But in the end, a story is a story, and a story is whatever you want it to be. In my opinion, if you exclude the whole certain death thing, maybe it is trying to tell you that if you have never known yourself, you will never learn to love others. And once you finally discovered yourself, that is when you would love yourself. But be careful, because sometimes, it might be too late.
Side note: thank you to the guy who ignited this whole Greek thing. And you know, it's still Ms. Chancello who gave you the card, not me (unless you were referring to her then I apologize xp) But I think I will tell her your thoughts on the card, just to ease her mind a bit :) And hey, I bet you could attract a few stray birds yourself if you were in a Disney film (although with the way we are singing everywhere we go I am starting to think we ARE becoming Disney characters). Hmm, if you (I) could be a character, who would you be.... hmmmmmh...And also, now that you mentioned it, I WOULD like a talking horse to appear, prince or no prince. And in fact, maybe even a talking dragon or something.
Yeah, if I could, just for a bit, I would run away somewhere too, somewhere Far, Far Away...
Yeah, if I could, just for a bit, I would run away somewhere too, somewhere Far, Far Away...
Every sky was your own kind of blue
You showed me something that I couldn't see
Opened my eyes and you made me believe
Have a happy day everyone,
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