I visited three houses I never thought I would in a span of two days, got to drink Mr. Marlboro's famous coffee, sang until my voice completely went (thank god it is almost back to normal now), watched a super stress-relieving movie, ate at a place I never thought I would, talked through the night and slept in the morning. If there was ever a time to feel like Taylor Swift's 22, that was the night.
It feels like one of those nights,
we ditch the whole scene, and end up dreaming, instead of sleeping.
We're happy, free, confused, and lonely in the best way
it's miserable and magical
Mr. Tsubasa has finally left. Of course, it feels like he came back for only one day, but I would take even a few minutes than none. I've never properly thanked you for the book, but I really really appreciate it, especially the fact that you got it, even after I told you ten times I don't need anything. But it would take awhile before I finish it, since there are tons of books lined up to be finished *guilty*. we didn't have a really, really proper farewell, since I had to rush off so suddenly,but no farewell can ever be *perfect*. And this isn't goodbye, it's just 'see you again'. I hope you take care, and I hope Australia is good for you. Continue getting those awesome results, and don't worry, you deserve every bit of it :)
This is when the feeling sinks in,
I don't want to miss you like this
come back, be here,
come back
be here
I don't know why but sometimes when I get too lost in the moment, I kinda start getting emotional and confused about some things. Like some things are such a bad, bad idea but in the moment, you feel like it is the best thing ever. Then when the moment has passed, you're all like 'yeah, if the things I do can just stop being a bad idea, that would be great '
Oh well, I guess I can't emphasize this enough, but...
what an awesome weekend :)
I don't know how it gets better than this
You take my hand and drag me head first,
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