Friday, 17 May 2013


STPM in three more days!! Oh My God Oh My God Oh My God, can't believe it, it feels like only a week ago when we got our first term (bad) results, and now the second term exam is here!


1) I will do better

2) Everyone will do well, and there will be no more re-sits or tears or 'where is my future going like this!!!!'

3) We will all get through the exams happily, and enjoy our two weeks of (well-deserved) holidays! :D

4) In the coming term, we will have a lot of fun, enjoy every moment of our Form 6 life, no drama, arguments, unnecessary stress and stupidity....

5) There are things that should be left forgotten in the past, but some things stay with us forever. And I am not one to regret things, but sometimes, I wish I could've changed that one, stupid mistake.... hopefully in the next semester, I won't care so much about the past! (hopefully, learn from past mistakes for once).

Good Luck everyone (and those sitting for other exams too) :D

You shall be in the past, because I know someday, I will look at you, and I won't care anymore.

我不需要 你 挡着我的路像给我自由
我不需要 你 别过头又悄悄回来看我
我不需要 你 有那么点可怜我
虽然很脆弱 我也要带着眼泪去碰石头

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